What is Manifestation?
You will probably have heard a lot about manifestation lately, but what is it and how can you achieve it?
Manifestation is something theoretical, made real. Simply, if you can think it, it can become real Whatever you think you are, you are! If you think you are poor, you are. If you think you are sad, then you are. Conversely, if you think you are happy then you are.
The power of your mind is vast, we don’t really understand the scale of it, but what I know from my own experience is that we can harness it to achieve what we want in our lives. We were all born to be happy and enjoy this life experience. I and you have been manifesting from a very small age, I just didn't know I was until I was much older, some go through life, without realising it at all. By coming to this page, you have taken the first step towards understanding your own potential.
As an example, when in the year 2000, I started searching for houses in my dream postcode. I had no idea how I was going to make it happen, as we didn't have the income. Without realising I was focused only on the outcome, I gave no thought at all to the journey By 2009 I was living not only in the post code but in the house of my dreams.
To manifest, you must only focus on the outcome. Leave the journey to the universe. The Universe will put opportunities in your path that will eventually deliver the outcome, you only need to recognise the opportunities and take them.
For me, I was presented with temporary roles at work, of a higher grade that over the years became permanent so by 2009 I could afford the house! It really Is that simple.
The cards I have been working on will support this journey. Having worked on your own development and growth, in becoming more aware of yourself, your actions and conditioning, it will open your eyes to the synchronicities and opportunities around you.
Create the life you have always wanted.
In the I have talked about the Law of Attraction. The Law of attraction states, that ‘like attracts like’. Have you heard the phrase ‘money comes to money’? It’s because if you think you have money, and spend it, and don't worry about it, more will come when you need it. If you are grateful for what you have, you will receive more. If you think that you don’t have enough money, then you will continue to not have enough!
Consider, what feelings you want to manifest? Unconditional love, happiness, outdoor living, that house, that car. Focus on the feeling or how you see yourself living. Visualise the area or city not the specific house, there might be a better house than you can imagine right now, don’t block that coming in.
The journey to positive mental health takes time, but positive changes can happen all along the way. The first step in the journey to recovery begins with a decision that life must improve. Your mental outlook determines your mood.
You are the master of your own destiny. Time to make it happen! If you think it, and believe it, it will become your reality. Your life; from chrysalis to butterfly!

Drawing by Louie Murray.
Manifestation works by first setting a clear intention.
Consider what you want to achieve? You will need to have clear goals. If you are too generic, it will be difficult to manifest. You may instead get a version of what you wanted.
We set our intention by being clear and by using the power of positive affirmations in our daily routine. Each card in this is an affirmation. Some cards will give you others to consider also in support of your journey. Once you have clear intentions and a vision of the life you seek, keep a journal or a vision board, something written, maybe some pictures to help you maintain it.
For instance, if you wish to improve your relationships, set your intention. First consider how you interact with others. What if your behaviour toward them can influence their behaviour to you? The changes you make, and decisions you take in your relationships, what you say, how you say it, directly impacts others and their responses to you.
As you progress through your journey, being more aware of your interactions, and checking your own behaviour, you will start to notice changes in those around you, just by them noticing the way you interact with them and liking the changes you have clearly made. You really do get back what you put out. So, you can change the dynamic of a relationship by choosing to act differently in the first place.
Take control of your emotions, don’t be defined by them.
Manifestation and Affirmation Cards
The cards are made up of eight colour coded sections, all with affirmations relating to a specific area of your life. The booklet fully explains how you can use the cards, but in summary you can select a random card each day for advice and guidance, or perhaps you have an occasion approaching that you would like to reflect on, where your anxiety and emotional reactions may usually get the better of you, so you are more prepared and feel more in control. You may also use them for more complex issues, but it's probably best to read the booklet relating to this area.
There are 64 affirmation cards in total. Each coloured set of eight relates to a specific area in your life. These are: -
Your Belief System
What you tell yourself. Are you good enough?
Your Connection to Universal Energies
Spirituality, Positive thinking.
Do you have boundaries and and are you able to express yourself?
Love and Relationships
Are your relationships healthy? Do you have the love life you want?
Ownership and Control
Are you in control of your life? Are you 'owned' and triggered by others?
Identity, Tribe and Expression
Are you true to yourself? Who are you really?
Money, Career and Success
Are you grateful? What fulfils you? Do you enjoy your work?
Physical and Mental Health
Do you like yourself? Do you prioritise yourself?
Each card has been written to help you reflect. Why do I?
They can be used randomly or specifically for different situations. You may be drawn to review a particular area of your life. The cards are here to support your journey to self-discovery.
Do you want to create the life you have always wanted? Then you need these new cards!