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Let's start your journey!

What can you expect

Obviously, it depends on which session you book. 


However, just to remind you I am not a qualified therapist.  I am a person, that has gone through a lot in her life, has been able to work through it step by step to become a spiritually richer, more confident and comfortable person.  I now know who I am and have achieved the life I wanted based on what I am now sharing with you. 


I do not keep records of sessions, although I may keep some notes to remind myself of our last conversation.  


This is your journey, and you have responsibility for it.  No one can do it for you.  I can though, provide support and guidance based on my own experiences. I have learnt to understand how to use my mind to get what I want from life.  Your mind is a powerful tool, it is time to use it, to get what you want from your life.


There is no right or wrong way to self-discovery, it is your own journey.   My role is to help challenge your preconceptions and beliefs to help you consider if you are helping or hindering yourself?


So, are you ready for change?  

You are the master of your own happiness.  It is time to make it happen!  


Ask, believe, receive!


15 minute session

  • We will have a general discussion about what is currently happening in your life, and where you would like to make changes towards greater happiness.   

  • I will provide some guidance on how to get started.


30 minute session

  • We will have a general discussion about your life, and consider the area of your life you wish to prioritise for your future happiness?  

  • We will determine the intention needed to support this.

  • We will create 3 affirmations to support your journey.

  • You will receive guidance on maintenance of your intention.


60 minute session

  • We will have general discussion about your life, and determine the area of your life you wish to prioritise for your future happiness?  

  • I will use the manifestation cards to do a reading, to determine the area of your life, that the universal energies see as your priority.

  • We will discuss how to bring this into your reality.

  • We will set the intention needed.

  • We will create 6 affirmations to support your journey.


This session comes with a quick tarot reading using 3 cards and will be based on a question you have.  You do not have to take up this offer, I understand that not everyone will want to. 

If you do wish to take it up, you will need to let me know the question prior to your appointment.


Any follow up appointments will be a minimum of 30 minutes, where we will check progress against goals.


I can use either telephone,  Skype or Zoom for our chats, as I live in Spain. 


© 2024 by Pleiadian Publishing Ltd.

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